Letting go of the multitude!
Folks sorry I have been gone for so long.... I am taking six classes this quarter and I have just one more quarter to go...so I am trying to maximize my investment. Once again Happy New Year to everyone....I trust everyone had a smashing holiday break.
I must confess, in putting this post together, I have really struggled. Struggled because I have so much to write about but think its time I defined my blog. Through last year, I noticed a certain trend and as worrisome as this trend was, I pretended not to notice. I have noticed a sharp difference in reception when I post about gist, gossips etc and when I post about God and spiritual uplifting... A friend (also reader) warned that I stand to lose readers of my blog if I choose to to take this action....at this point I couldn't be bothered. I thank everyone that has supported my blog in the past year but I truly think its time I am true to myself and my belief.
So drum rollllll pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... as from this day forth, this blog will be dedicated to helping folks know God better, helping folks through stuations and struggles they are going through...underlining every thought using the Word of God.
So to kick off, my first real blog for the year will be about "letting go of the multitude"...lol... appropriate title ...lol
So of late I have heard alot of people cmplain about "friends". "How could she spread such rumours about me?" How could he say such about me or do this to me?" why do I keep calling and this so-called friend doesnt call me back?" Why is s/he my friend?
Bottom line of late people are looking for ways to define the throng of people they call friends.
Today I am here to say that even Jesus realized there was no need for a multitude of "friends" He that knows all had an "inner circle". Some would argue that the twelve disciples were all close to Jesus but I dare say that Jesus was close to only 3! Peter, James & John You struggle to believe me? ok lets take a look at three events were Jesus had to select a number out of 12 disciples to go with Him
Transfiguration: Matthew 17: 1
Gethsemane: Matthew 26:36-37
Daughter of Jarius: Luke 8: 51
All I am trying to say is, in this year, if you plan or desire to live a life without the drama of friendship, it's important you realize who is in your "inner circle". You do yourself great harm by exposing your plans and all to every Tom, Dick and Harry! The bible says Guard your heart with all dilligence for out of it is the wellspring of life! I'll advise you guard your vision as well... for many will flock around you claiming to be your friends but only a few will live up to the expectations of a friend....Never allow anyone select you as a friend...Pick your friends! Learn to love from a distance...not everyone that calls you friend is a friend!
In order to make this blog more interactive.... I am open to questions and helping people research issues or concerns they might have. I pray as you go through this year that your vision may not be cut short...That God will bless you with true friends....friends that wont lead you astray but will help in building you up and encouraging you to reach your true potential.
Understand that a friend isn't that person who tolerates the rubbish or encourages you to go against God's word...if you catch yourself continually sinning when you are with a particular friend or crew, its time you take stock and ask what the benefits of that friendship is....
From time to time, I go through my phone book and actually assess everyone on my list.... I ask myself what they've contributed to my life and what i have contributed to theirs.... if I come out with Zero, it becomes apparent its time to discard.
I wish you all the best and pray God will help you select true friends.
I must confess, in putting this post together, I have really struggled. Struggled because I have so much to write about but think its time I defined my blog. Through last year, I noticed a certain trend and as worrisome as this trend was, I pretended not to notice. I have noticed a sharp difference in reception when I post about gist, gossips etc and when I post about God and spiritual uplifting... A friend (also reader) warned that I stand to lose readers of my blog if I choose to to take this action....at this point I couldn't be bothered. I thank everyone that has supported my blog in the past year but I truly think its time I am true to myself and my belief.
So drum rollllll pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... as from this day forth, this blog will be dedicated to helping folks know God better, helping folks through stuations and struggles they are going through...underlining every thought using the Word of God.
So to kick off, my first real blog for the year will be about "letting go of the multitude"...lol... appropriate title ...lol
So of late I have heard alot of people cmplain about "friends". "How could she spread such rumours about me?" How could he say such about me or do this to me?" why do I keep calling and this so-called friend doesnt call me back?" Why is s/he my friend?
Bottom line of late people are looking for ways to define the throng of people they call friends.
Today I am here to say that even Jesus realized there was no need for a multitude of "friends" He that knows all had an "inner circle". Some would argue that the twelve disciples were all close to Jesus but I dare say that Jesus was close to only 3! Peter, James & John You struggle to believe me? ok lets take a look at three events were Jesus had to select a number out of 12 disciples to go with Him
Transfiguration: Matthew 17: 1
Gethsemane: Matthew 26:36-37
Daughter of Jarius: Luke 8: 51
All I am trying to say is, in this year, if you plan or desire to live a life without the drama of friendship, it's important you realize who is in your "inner circle". You do yourself great harm by exposing your plans and all to every Tom, Dick and Harry! The bible says Guard your heart with all dilligence for out of it is the wellspring of life! I'll advise you guard your vision as well... for many will flock around you claiming to be your friends but only a few will live up to the expectations of a friend....Never allow anyone select you as a friend...Pick your friends! Learn to love from a distance...not everyone that calls you friend is a friend!
In order to make this blog more interactive.... I am open to questions and helping people research issues or concerns they might have. I pray as you go through this year that your vision may not be cut short...That God will bless you with true friends....friends that wont lead you astray but will help in building you up and encouraging you to reach your true potential.
Understand that a friend isn't that person who tolerates the rubbish or encourages you to go against God's word...if you catch yourself continually sinning when you are with a particular friend or crew, its time you take stock and ask what the benefits of that friendship is....
From time to time, I go through my phone book and actually assess everyone on my list.... I ask myself what they've contributed to my life and what i have contributed to theirs.... if I come out with Zero, it becomes apparent its time to discard.
I wish you all the best and pray God will help you select true friends.
At 2:58 PM ,
Funmi said...
well written miguel. I am actually at that point in my life where after scanning thru my phonebook there isn't a soul i can call and confide in......now here is my q:) when your so called 'inner caucus' are the backstabbers what's a sistah to do? You were so on point about having friends around that motivate u to please God.
At 3:02 PM ,
Miguel said...
@Funmi.... that is where you need to go on your knees and pray to God ... ask God to bring true friends your way...ask Him to reveal friends that will glorify Him...trust me He will do it...He's done it for me.
At 3:08 PM ,
Funmi said...
thanks for the quick response :).
At 3:20 PM ,
The Life of a Stranger called me said...
For me, I have had my cell phone for practically 8 yrs, and when it was stollen april last year, I relaised who my true frinds were. I had all this numbers which I had kept, and felt that they were all my friends. well I realised that the ones that called and kept calling to check in me and make sure that all was well was the phones that I realised that really cared. Not the multitude I had once known.
I have been blessed with some very good friends and Im glad to say are forever rooting for me, even when I cant be bothered. I thank God for the people He has brought into my life, and I thank Him also for those that have gone.
I really enjoyed your post. I will always comment on your post, regardless of the topic you wish to share. And Im so happy that you have chosen to dedicate your blog to things of God. But even when you tell us gist, you can still show how God worked thorugh it. Cause in all things God worket good.
Have a good weekend.
At 3:22 PM ,
The Life of a Stranger called me said...
@ miguel - i realised I had too many tpos. But I hope you understood what I was trying to say.
At 5:46 PM ,
Nilla said...
Lovely post...
Whatever part your blog takes, I'll still be here..and it's good that its taking this part right now.
Sometimes we can tell from early on the people that are trully friends, but yet for some reason or the other we always still hang around those that don't really care about us.
I reduced the # of friends I had after a few things happened (one of them being similar to what LOASCM said..but it wasn't my phone, it was my laptop{and it hurt a lot}), these different things made me realize I don't have to have a friend for the sake of having one.
Just like you said, I need to have one that adds value to my life and vice versa.
Hope you blog more often oh!
Have a wonderful weekend!
-Nilla (I'm just putting my name because most peoples blog are changing blogger names to anonymous)
At 8:42 PM ,
DiAmOnD hawk said...
you can only do you....i wrote a post recently...and i thot of you interestingly enough...
anyways...stay true to who you are...you never know who's reading...it may be that ONE person is...and that's the person that you're helping...
good luck w/this quarter...hope you stay sane thru it all
At 10:02 PM ,
Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...
Miggie baba, what's up? Thank God u finally updated was about to send a search party out for u. Whatever happens, i'll always find my way here. I believe ur posts are bound to make a difference in lives and maybe someone may get to know God thru this medium.
Ok, don't tell me u're not going to give us gist at all o. U know u can still give us some spicy gist and like LOASCM said, show how God has worked thru it. I'm at the point where i'm trying to define the boundaries with my friends. I found out one of my close friends was being a backstabber, but the God we serve that sees everyone's hearts made the other person she was talking to, to reveal it to me.
At 9:21 AM ,
Jennifer A. said...
yayyy Miguelll...thanks for this post. Everyone needs to know who their inner circle of friends are. But when ALL fails (because even ur inner circle of friends WILL fail you cos they're only human, just as WE fail our friends sometimes), then u shdn't take it seriously. Remember these two scriptures?
Jeremiah 17: 5 “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength...For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,and shall not see when good comes..."
Psalm 118: 8 "It is better to trust in the LORD. Than to put confidence in man."
Basically...when u know that man ("friends") can't please you in all areas (even ur bestest of friends), then u'll be good to go...
At 7:04 PM ,
ThatGirl said...
gee, after all this while. 6 courses in grad skewl???(shucks, blogger needs to incorporate emoticons cos u need to see the look on my face!) anyway, you're more than able cos you can do all things through Christ. i know, its c'mon , pple will always comment on certain topics but avoid those relating to God like a plague. Good way to go , i'll always visit regardless cos this was the first blog i ever read and i'm actually kinda devoted...LOL. anyhow, you hit the nail on the head with this post, good one. have a blessed week
At 5:05 AM ,
temmy tayo said...
Whatever you choose to blog about is a true reflection of who you are and what you believe in. You shouldnt have any apologies to anyone that decides to run from your blog cos u have chosen to blog about your God.
You will always have the faithful few that will be touched o jare.
Friends......... May God help us all. I personally think there is serious danger in keeping so many.
At 5:57 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I respect people of principle and respect is due you.. It says a lot to separate your blog from everyone's blog. On the issue of friends, i am realizing that the inner and the outer circle have their place, but honesty and forgiveness have to make their way in the inner circle . That way, we leave room to offend each other and we expect openness and offer and give forgiveness everytime. That way we stay in unbroken fellowship with God and with them. I am not trying to hinder my prayers.. so it is best to work the way of peace each time.
It is hard though to actually be honest every single time because you risk a lot every time you are plain in heart.. God help us to walk in truth always..stay blessed !
At 1:44 AM ,
Biodun said...
I love ur blog so blog on wotever, I will keep reading. I love this post on friends, I know I have very few true friends which is fine by me, I have always had a problem of being to close to folks, but anyways, I have learned to study my friends n know wot n how I can share certain information with, like u said its better to talk 2 God atimes instead of waisting time spilling it to someone who can do nothing about an issue. Have a blessed week!
At 10:24 AM ,
Mari said...
Well said Migs. I mention to someone last week that we get to a certain age and are not looking to make new friends. I believe we've made all the friends we need all thru our childhood and school years. And yea, you could still meet a few others but bonding wouldn't be an easy process.
I also look through my phone book every now and then. Its so amazing that there are people from back then I never thought would end up being close to me that are right now.
At 5:55 PM ,
Confused Naija Girl said...
I agree with mari though i met some of my truly close friends in uni. And i will continue reading no matter what you blog about .
At 9:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Your blog has always done a lot of sharing and that includes sharing about God so it's great that you've decided to head this way. Your fans will always be here. With that said.....where r u homie?!!!! Next installment pls. And you didn't check on me this week.....huh? LOL
At 8:06 AM ,
Miguel said...
@ Everyone...thanks for your support ... its been touching reading your comments.
@Ms. May gurllllll.... forgive moi... its been hectic out here...will give you a shout sooner than you think... might be in town in a couple of weeks ....i'll keep you in the loop once I confirm my plans.
At 8:50 PM ,
Unknown said...
people often forget that a friend would always be a friend...it doesn't matter when last u spoke or saw each other; but what matters most is being able to continue from where u last stopped..cheers
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