Conclusion: Case of the Ex!!
Let me start off by thanking those that have left me comments in regards to the post about my ex (forgive me for not responding to each comment but I feel this post will cover much of the comments made). I must say some of the comments got me cracking up, others got me thinking and a couple got me all, great comments.
A number of people have asked why we broke up in the first place. At the time I broke up with my ex, I realized I had to make a decision because things were getting wayyyy serious and jewelry stores had become a favorite past time. The snag was the fact that despite my prayers and prompting, we weren't evenly yoked. She was a staunch catholic and wasn't willing to consider anything else. I on the other hand knew that I had to draw closer to God and needed to live a lifestyle that was of true worship to Him. In the midst of these thoughts, you also had extended family calling and actually stating their reservation about our relationship (they thought I jazzed her or something... I guess its true when they say Love is like drinking from a fire leaves you dazed ...I was so in love and so was she... my family actually thought she jazzed me as well...we couldnt keep away from each other..not even for a
Anyway I bet you guys are surprised that I am blogging about a conclusion prior to my trip... well I won't be meeting my ex again. One thing I failed to mention in my last post was the fact that myself and P.I had asked God to intercede if He felt she wasn't the one for me... I must confess I struggled to say that prayer but I am glad I did... we spoke this morning and decided it was best we don't meet up...we spoke about what we shared and why it was special, she understood why I made the decision I made (our break up)... I understood why she did the things she did after we broke up and actually confirmed a suspicion I had at the time. Let me say the conversation was great! Great because through it all I had that peace that passeth understanding... I mean I wasn't going to argue or force issues... noooooooo ... Today God confirmed His word "I will always be there with you, even till the end of time"... today I realized that despite my doubts of late based on the battles I am currently facing, despite my flaws and my short-comings, God is still God and He still loves me dearly. He has a design for my life that beats anything ever created or that I could plan. I re-dedicate my life to Him and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me.
As for my ex, I'll always love her for who she was to me and what she meant to me... she allowed herself to be used by God and as tough as the decision was today, she was still selfless in encouraging many women can stand and say if they dont have their way they'd still be a source of encouragement.
Today our chapter ends and I plan to start afresh.
In the past few weeks (since the start of summer), I have regressed emotionally. I found myself giving into the simplest temptations and at a point almost giving up on my faith. It's funny because I actually read something a friend wrote about a persons walk with God and I sat hurt that I had let God and myself down and given someone the opportunity to ever doubt my beliefs. Oh well the bible says "old things have passed away; behold all things are new" ... "though sorrow may last for a night but joy comes in the morning"...thank you Lord for this morning... thanks for a new start...
I bet many are wondering how I plan to proceed...well I'll take some time off to re-discover myself....take some time off to re-discover the voice of the Lord... take some time off to remember who I am and why I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Let the redeemed of the Lord say Amen!
To my ex (I know you are reading girl)... Thanks for understanding, thanks for being the person that you are...thanks for everything...I wish you and bloke the very best life has to offer... enjoy the the lyrics to a song I remember "these are the times we all wish for the moment when less means so much more". Remember to keep this blog to yourself or else I am putting you on full blast and that includes pictures... NO! its not a will be real!
To those that might care ... We will only experience this life but once... if today be the end, lets satisfy all that we that when the day of judgement comes (and Oh yes that day will come!) we can smile knowing well that we enjoyed it to the fullest... and if not for that but let's enjoy it to the fullest so that when the kids come rolling in and they come of age, we'll have quality and truthful stories of the joys and the pains life brings and the love that heals.
I am healed!
Take care y'all. I cherish y'all even though I know you not.
A number of people have asked why we broke up in the first place. At the time I broke up with my ex, I realized I had to make a decision because things were getting wayyyy serious and jewelry stores had become a favorite past time. The snag was the fact that despite my prayers and prompting, we weren't evenly yoked. She was a staunch catholic and wasn't willing to consider anything else. I on the other hand knew that I had to draw closer to God and needed to live a lifestyle that was of true worship to Him. In the midst of these thoughts, you also had extended family calling and actually stating their reservation about our relationship (they thought I jazzed her or something... I guess its true when they say Love is like drinking from a fire leaves you dazed ...I was so in love and so was she... my family actually thought she jazzed me as well...we couldnt keep away from each other..not even for a
Anyway I bet you guys are surprised that I am blogging about a conclusion prior to my trip... well I won't be meeting my ex again. One thing I failed to mention in my last post was the fact that myself and P.I had asked God to intercede if He felt she wasn't the one for me... I must confess I struggled to say that prayer but I am glad I did... we spoke this morning and decided it was best we don't meet up...we spoke about what we shared and why it was special, she understood why I made the decision I made (our break up)... I understood why she did the things she did after we broke up and actually confirmed a suspicion I had at the time. Let me say the conversation was great! Great because through it all I had that peace that passeth understanding... I mean I wasn't going to argue or force issues... noooooooo ... Today God confirmed His word "I will always be there with you, even till the end of time"... today I realized that despite my doubts of late based on the battles I am currently facing, despite my flaws and my short-comings, God is still God and He still loves me dearly. He has a design for my life that beats anything ever created or that I could plan. I re-dedicate my life to Him and I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me.
As for my ex, I'll always love her for who she was to me and what she meant to me... she allowed herself to be used by God and as tough as the decision was today, she was still selfless in encouraging many women can stand and say if they dont have their way they'd still be a source of encouragement.
Today our chapter ends and I plan to start afresh.
In the past few weeks (since the start of summer), I have regressed emotionally. I found myself giving into the simplest temptations and at a point almost giving up on my faith. It's funny because I actually read something a friend wrote about a persons walk with God and I sat hurt that I had let God and myself down and given someone the opportunity to ever doubt my beliefs. Oh well the bible says "old things have passed away; behold all things are new" ... "though sorrow may last for a night but joy comes in the morning"...thank you Lord for this morning... thanks for a new start...
I bet many are wondering how I plan to proceed...well I'll take some time off to re-discover myself....take some time off to re-discover the voice of the Lord... take some time off to remember who I am and why I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Let the redeemed of the Lord say Amen!
To my ex (I know you are reading girl)... Thanks for understanding, thanks for being the person that you are...thanks for everything...I wish you and bloke the very best life has to offer... enjoy the the lyrics to a song I remember "these are the times we all wish for the moment when less means so much more". Remember to keep this blog to yourself or else I am putting you on full blast and that includes pictures... NO! its not a will be real!
To those that might care ... We will only experience this life but once... if today be the end, lets satisfy all that we that when the day of judgement comes (and Oh yes that day will come!) we can smile knowing well that we enjoyed it to the fullest... and if not for that but let's enjoy it to the fullest so that when the kids come rolling in and they come of age, we'll have quality and truthful stories of the joys and the pains life brings and the love that heals.
I am healed!
Take care y'all. I cherish y'all even though I know you not.
At 2:32 PM ,
Funmi said...
Here is to a fresh start Miguel :)
At 2:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
wow!!! to new beginnings!!! :)
At 2:39 PM ,
Biodun said...
Cheers to new beginnnings! I love this post, Sir Miguel ur deep!
At 3:40 PM ,
Corri S. said...
Where is the comment that I left? *SIGH*
You censoring me??? *Insert sideways glance/suspicious look*
At 3:40 PM ,
Corri S. said...
Where is the comment that I left? *SIGH*
You censoring me??? *Insert sideways glance/suspicious look*
At 4:00 PM ,
Miguel said...
Funmi, Mphae,Biodun...thanks ladies.
As for you i can't imagine what you had written but for whatever reason here's toast to blogger for displacing thanks for dropping by though... How's the train system in your neck of the woods or did you take my advice and buy a bike with a space heater?
At 7:07 PM ,
The Life of a Stranger called me said...
I love this post - I am so glad you wrote about how you felt - how you delt with the whole thing and where you are going to. And most importantly that your plans have be placed before God and He will guide you. For sure the plans he had for is so overwhelming even me thinking of it.
I sort of secretly knew it had to do with the whole catolic thing - lol - but on a serious note - it didnt work out like you said doesnt mean she will now be a nobody in your life - I am impressed that her work and effort to help you on your way will never be forgotten. Trully there are not many men like you that would cherish such.
So this is cheeers to new begining - hear hear - cheers - and the new things that the Lord has started in your life he will soon bring to pass. Continue staying healed. Be blessed.
At 5:48 AM ,
Dris J said...
My belief in God never wavered..even though my living according to His dictates has not always been....
I am happy for you bro..'cos even though you are not a saint, His love is shining down on you!Just so everyone out there should know, God is always ready to listen to you! Just call on Him and try hard do heed His call to!
Miggie, as I have cn people refer to you, congratulations!
To this new beginning, I say..May the best of the past be the worst of the future!
At 11:59 AM ,
Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...
Miggie baba (copying Naija Bloke), this article has an underlying tone of sadness and joy. An oxymoron, YES, but that's how it seemed to me. Joy 'cos u're closing a chapter of ur life (somehow) and startting a new one, and sad 'cos i just dunno. Anyway, have fun rediscovering urself, and just maybe u'd discover that u love fish. Isn't it funny, how despite our plans, what we do or don't do, God's perfect will still comes to pass. Have a blessed weekend.
At 3:06 PM ,
ThatGirl said...
nice post eh! phew!! thank God u didn't make that trip and everything worked out well. Good u've retraced ur steps jo. *glass raised*...'here's to a new beginning for you Miguel'
P.S: i've been checking for the pics o, i know, i know, you're busy. no pressure
At 11:18 PM ,
Eyin'ju Oluwa said...
Awwww you made me cry.It is well my brother. I actually know someone who's totally in love with you, she visits your blog 1 million times a day hehehehe.
Always remember God is not asleep and he's the hope that makes not ashamed!
At 6:45 AM ,
temmy tayo said...
To a new and blessed beginning Miggie!!
Still waiting for the post o.
At 9:40 AM ,
TMinx said...
Wow I don't know what to think of the Catholic comment. So she wasn't moving closer to God because she was Catholic? Please expand
At 11:39 AM ,
Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...
@Omosewa: U know someone in love with Miggie baba. People are determined to find Miguel a wife by force. Me sef i'm among those people.
At 11:41 AM ,
Mari said...
I concur with TM. Can you please explain further.
T'was a good call you both made not to meet up any more.
At 2:53 PM ,
Miguel said...
@TLOASCM - Thanks for the encouragement.
@blackwasp - Amen!
@Cherub - as with every good thing that comes to an end theres sadness associated with it but joy comes when you realize the potential of the future.
@zioner...ok ok me where to send the pics cause I have
@Omosewa...thanks for dropping by... just the thought of knowing I have an admirer out there increase the joy a new start wa ooo I'll put up your post soon.
@ Taureanminx and Mari - the Combo babes..see as una jus werestle me into submission...before I would have ignored such questions (because its controversial).
My desire has always been to marry a woman that has the same belief-set I do. My ex and myself had different convictions about our beliefs...for example - She couldn't understand the whole speaking in tongues and felt it was just jibberish...I don't believe in praying to Mary and all the other saints but she does...I could go on and on... I guess in all we noticed there existed great differences and I didnt want to bring kids into this world and in their formative years have them confused as to what their beliefs should be... I realize regardless of how I bring up my kids, at a certain age they can make decisions that would differ from my beliefs but at that point they will be old enough and accountable to God.
At 7:12 PM ,
ThatGirl said...
woohoo!!! thanks Miguel. pls send the pics to==> Godbless ya and sorry for all the trouble...hehehehe
At 1:58 AM ,
Jennifer A. said...
Thanks for gisting us well abeg...u go Miguel...
awwww...and she's reading this right now. Ain't that sweet? I'm glad u guys both heard from God, that's what's really important if u think about it. Because hearing from God always means that your future would be greater than ur past, in fact both of you would look back at today and thank God for everything. You'll probably laugh and joke about it too. That's how God works, at the time of occurence it may be very painful, and then years after u're laughing and joking abt it like nothing happened-->cos u know God took u through all that to teach u somn significant, and there was no way better than what u went through. There's always a reason for everything, and the way I see it is that everyone that comes into ur life, no matter how short they stay, they came in for a very specific reason ordained by God.
At 4:37 AM ,
Teva said...
Well you really had it good miggie...So what's next? Who's the new beginning? I have a list of possibilites so call our hotline 0998848585848943223 for a 'limited-edition-pre-approved lady-for-wife' catelogue (endorsed by most ministers) LOL
I'm inspired! HAve a wonderful week
At 9:08 AM ,
TMinx said...
Thanks for explaining Miguel. Just as long as you are not one of the Catholic Bashing Crew who believe we worship Mary and don't read the bible. I do agree that kids should not be confused when it comes to religion but it would be arrogant to think that belonging to a particular church will get you to heaven when it is only by faith and the Grace of God that we will get to heaven. Like you said, at the end of the day, every individual will be held accountable.
At 6:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This was a really beautiful post. It takes a principled person to make a decision as you have. Look at it like this - God is saying that season is over. Only God knows what you needed to know, learn, understand and experience through that season. His Plans, His thoughts are way higher than ours. So look up, brace up, the best in God for you is yet to come. Before you were born, He knew you and He know His plans, intents, purposes He has for you. This includes that special someone, so we all rest knowing He authors and He perfects every angle of us. Stay Blessed !
At 9:49 AM ,
Mari said...
I've been so busy that I forgot I had asked a question.
You are right its a very controversial topic but thanks anyways for explaining further. Just like TM said, "it is only by faith and the Grace of God that we will get to heaven" and at the end of the day we are all held accountable individually.
At 5:50 PM ,
NaijaBloke said...
Miggiello(make I for change ur name cos Xoxo dan dey use the one I gave u) .. this was deep man and ur ex must be a wonderful chic o.
I actually have a couple of Exs that sounded like ur Ex although I have a couple that would probably push me in front of a moving van if they get the opportunity.Nice to know u guys r moving on and like everybody said ..Herez a toast to Miggiello's new beginning and I have 2 sisters o if u need any introduction ...
At 1:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow! I cried...
At 3:06 PM ,
Miguel said...
@Zioner...sorry you haven't received the pics as of yet ... couldnt get them to grant me permission ...they tell me the pictures will be on their site before the week runs out ..if its not then I'll send the link to you and face their
@Jaycee... thanks....God's time is perfect and in it my destiny will be fulfilled and I am excited...thanks for your comment truly uplifting.
@Teva....we're moving on up oooo ... you just hit correct bizness idea...setup the phoneline in the UK, i'll set up one here in the US and we strictly hook up Nigerians, for a small fee of course....hmmmm.....
@ Taureanminx & Mari ... I truly believe we all are accountable to God and should live based on our convictions...I am not an advocate of religion bashing.
@annonymous ....thanks for your comment...that was uplifting...I truly believe God has a plan and as such I am rest assured i need not be worried.
@naijabloke..ol'boy na wa ooo see as you jus dey fade in fade out...u be NEPA? yeah my ex is wonderful ...
@B.S...thanks for dropping by.
At 3:21 PM ,
Corri S. said...
So, who's B.S? LOL
Um, Miguel...stop putting my business out in the streets! ;-)
Oh yeah...are you going back "home" for the Holidays? I'll be in the ATL for New Years. Wait...then again, I don't even talk to you here. Good point, huh.
K. I'm just rambling.
At 5:34 PM ,
NaijaBloke said...
Miggello baba ..omo no be ma fault o .. na all this how e go better we dey do the runs o,but good news is on its way sha ..
Take it easy man and how far with all ur interviews as well?
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